Briefly, here is some of our highly political commentary on what we witnessed between Biden and Ryan:
On Ryan:
A:"Ryan would be cute, except for his widow's peak."
V:"He looks kind of like Phil Dunphy."
V:"Uhh..he looks so smug."
On Biden:
V: "What the heck is Joe Biden doing? He looks like a potato. Like a potato with eyes and mouth, right?"
On budget cuts, health care, and getting out of national debt:
A:"I don't care what politicians say. How the heck will the U.S. EVER get out of debt? Where will all the money come from? Are they planning on doing a nationwide fundraiser? "
V: "Ok everyone...we're doing a bake sale! Even though we'll be spending thousands and thousands of dollars for the cooking supplies."
A: "We've infiltrated the Girl Scouts. Buy cookies to cut back on the national debt!"
V: " $1,000.00 a box!"
A: "Thin mints anyone?"
Republican vs. Democrat, Samoas vs. Thin Mints...I hate making choices!!!
On the debate moderator, Martha Raddatz:
V: "Whoa. Crypt Keeper."
So, with all that being for whoever you want. Politics, debates, the future of these United States of America. It's all just a "bunch of malarky" anyways!!
"I throw my hands up in the air sometimes. Singin' hey-ohhh!"