Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sisterly Conversations on: #VPdebate2012

Ok, so the Sisters do more than gossip about coffee obsessions and hot Olympians. We decided to catch the wrap up of the Vice Presidential debate, mainly because everyone was talking about it on Facebook and we had already missed most of it due to a small shopping spree we went on in preparation for Austin City Limits (that's for a later post though).

Briefly, here is some of our highly political commentary on what we witnessed between Biden and Ryan:

On Ryan:

A:"Ryan would be cute, except for his widow's peak."
V:"He looks kind of like Phil Dunphy."
V:"Uhh..he looks so smug."

On Biden:

V: "What the heck is Joe Biden doing? He looks like a potato. Like a potato with eyes and mouth, right?"

On budget cuts, health care, and getting out of national debt:

A:"I don't care what politicians say. How the heck will the U.S. EVER get out of debt? Where will all the money come from? Are they planning on doing a nationwide fundraiser? "

V: "Ok everyone...we're doing a bake sale! Even though we'll be spending thousands and thousands of dollars for the cooking supplies."

A: "We've infiltrated the Girl Scouts. Buy cookies to cut back on the national debt!"

V: " $1,000.00 a box!"

A: "Thin mints anyone?"

Republican vs. Democrat, Samoas vs. Thin Mints...I hate making choices!!!

On the debate moderator, Martha Raddatz:

V: "Whoa. Crypt Keeper."

So, with all that being for whoever you want. Politics, debates, the future of these United States of America. It's all just a "bunch of malarky" anyways!!

"I throw my hands up in the air sometimes. Singin' hey-ohhh!"

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